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Check Out a Teaser for She-Ra and The Princesses of Power, Returning to Netflix on November 5th!


Check Out a Teaser for She-Ra and The Princesses of Power, Returning to Netflix on November 5th!

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Check Out a Teaser for She-Ra and The Princesses of Power, Returning to Netflix on November 5th!


Published on October 6, 2019

Screenshot: Netflix
Screenshot: Netflix

She-Ra and The Princesses of Power actors Aimee Carrero (Adora/She-Ra), Karen Fukuhara (Glimmer), Lauren Ash (Scorpia), AJ Michalka (Catra), and show creator Noelle Stevenson took the stage at New York Comic-Con–but then quickly left the stage to clear the view and show the first episode of Season Four!

But when they came back, they had a very special announcement: not only will Season 4 be a full 13 episodes, but they’re coming to Netflix on November 5th!

And as if that news wasn’t fabulous enough: there’s a Very Special Scorpia Episode coming our way!

Lets start with a teaser for Season 4:

The panelists dug deep into the emotions of the Princesses.

Stevenson spoke about the big questions they’re asking as they head into a new season: “At the end of Season 3 we changed everything, the power order. The characters are starting to grow into their roles. Characters like Glimmer, and Catra as well, they’ve reached the top spot of power. And the question we’re asking this season is: what price do they have to pay for that power?”

Fukuhara spoke about Glimmer’s reaction to the events of last season, and said it was a hard season to record, as there was more sadness—“but definitely fulfilling.” Glimmer has trouble with people “babying” her, as “she’s more powerful than she’s ever been” and Carrero confirmed that she sees Adora as desiring “an almost maternal role” with Glimmer, which adds to some tension between them.

But maybe the biggest question of all is: Can Catra be stopped?

Michalka has her doubts. “I don’t know if she can be stopped? …[s]he’s never really received proper validation from anyone, and this her way of lashing out for that. In a way she has to validate herself….it’s fully about winning.”

Stevenson added: “Catra has a sunk cost fallacy…she has to prove to herself that everything was worth it.”

The panel’s moderator, TV Guide Features Editor Krutika Mallikarjuna, spoke for the crowd when she said, “I think we can all agree that Scorpia deserves the world,” and Lauren Ash added “She has great loyalty to Catra…but she goes on a bit of a journey emotionally, this season. She’s so full of light, and I’d say it’s about time.”

And speaking to that, there’s a Very Special Scorpia Episode this season! Lauren Ash said: “She’s defined herself around Catra, this person she loves so much…I think Scorpia’s journey is just going to be learning how to love and take care of herself.”

AJ Michalski mentioned that she wants to start her days with Scorpia’s Daily Affirmations, and Mallikarjuna added, “Lauren should start an Instagram: ‘Your Daily Scorpia.’”

And after talking about the intensity of the season, Stevenson said: “There’s a bunch of really fun episodes, still, I promise! But the stakes have never been higher, and the characters are pushed to their limit this season.” Plus, there’s a new character named Double Trouble, and Stevenson promises that “you’re going to love them.”

And finally the panel ended with a speed round! WhenMallikarjuna asked them all to sum up their character arcs in one word:

  • Aimee Carrero: “Patient/struggle.”
  • Karen Fukuhara: “Broken Relationships”
  • Lauren Ash: “Transformation”
  • AJ Michalka: “Revolutionary”
  • Noelle Stevenson (speaking for her characters, Spinerella): “Vegetable Platters! It’ll make sense later.”

About the Author

Stubby the Rocket


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